How To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes

How to Clean Dog poop off Shoes and Urine Stains from Carpets

Stepping into a pile of dog poop can turn a pleasant stroll into a messy ordeal. Not only is it unpleasant, but it also leaves behind an unwanted odor. However, cleaning up this mishap doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In this guide from soles cleaner, we’ll explore six humane and effective methods on how to clean dog poop off shoe, ensuring a quick and hassle-free cleanup process.

How To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes

How to clean dog poop off shoe

1. Use a Hose:

For those with access to a garden, using a hose can be the most convenient option for how to wash dog poop off shoes. Simply utilize the strong stream of water to wash away the dog poop from your shoes. The water pressure helps dislodge the waste, and any remaining residue can be scrubbed off with an old toothbrush. Remember to thoroughly disinfect the area afterward to maintain cleanliness. This method is particularly effective for quickly removing fresh dog poop before it has a chance to dry and stick to the shoe’s surface.

2. Try a Lubricant:

Ever heard of the wonders of WD-40? This versatile lubricant not only serves as a cleaning solvent but can also help to clean dog poop stains. Begin by blotting away most of the feces with paper towels, then apply WD-40 to the affected area. Allow it to penetrate the poop before brushing it off. Your shoes will regain their pristine appearance in no time.

3. Utilize the Washing Machine:

For those averse to manual cleaning, tossing your shoes in the washing machine can be a popular choice. This method is particularly effective for non-leather shoes. However, bear in mind that traces of poop may linger inside the machine. Ensure thorough cleaning of the drum afterward to prevent any lingering odors or bacteria.

4. Freeze Your Shoes:

While unconventional, freezing your shoes can surprisingly aid in removing stubborn dog poop. Encase your shoes in a freezer bag to prevent contamination, then place them in the freezer until the poop solidifies. Once frozen, remove the shoes and gently dislodge the poop with a stick. The hardened waste will come off in a single piece, making disposal effortless.

5. Air Dry Your Shoes:

During warmer months, harness the power of the sun to dry out dog poop stuck to your shoes. Simply place the soles of your shoes in direct sunlight to allow the poop to dry out. Once dried, it becomes easier to scrape off the residue. This method is gentle on your shoes and requires minimal effort.

6. Use a Brush and Soapy Water:

For targeted cleaning, employ a brush, preferably a small or old toothbrush, to remove poop from the grooves of your shoe soles. Pair this with soapy water to expedite the process. If possible, wear gloves to avoid direct contact with the waste, as dog poop contains harmful pathogens. Additionally, if your shoes retain a lingering odor after cleaning, sprinkle baking soda on the soles and leave them in an airtight bag for 12 hours. 

Dealing with dog poop on your shoes doesn’t have to be a messy ordeal. By employing these gentle and effective cleaning methods, you can quickly restore your shoes to their former glory. Remember to prioritize hygiene and safety during the cleanup process, ensuring a pleasant and odor-free experience.

Can Dog Poop Can Be Removed In Washing Machine? 

How To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes

Yes, it is possible to remove dog poop from clothing and fabrics in a washing machine, but it’s important to follow a few key steps to ensure effective cleaning and to avoid spreading the mess or damaging your machine:

If your shoes are machine washable, you can opt for a hassle-free cleaning method by using your washing machine. However, it’s crucial to remove most of the poop before tossing them in for a cycle.

Start by wiping away the majority of the poop using a paper towel or rinsing it off with a hose, as mentioned in the earlier steps.

Next, run your shoes through a cycle in the washing machine. If there are specific washing instructions provided, be sure to follow them to avoid any potential damage. Alternatively, place your shoes in a garment bag and add a couple of old towels for balance. Opt for a delicate, cold cycle to ensure gentle cleaning.

Once the washing cycle is complete, resist the temptation to throw your shoes in the dryer, as this could cause damage. Instead, air dry them by stuffing them with paper towels to absorb moisture. This method is especially important when considering how to clean dog poop off shoe effectively. Place them in a dry location, such as outside in the warm summer sun or near a heat vent indoors.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean dog poop off shoes in the washing machine without compromising their integrity. Say goodbye to stubborn odors and hello to fresh, clean footwear. Remember, it’s crucial to act quickly when dealing with how to clean off dog poop from shoes, as letting the stain sit can make it much harder to remove.

Removing Odours From Shoes

Taking care of the aftermath of a dog poop mishap on your shoes might seem like a daunting task, but with a little perseverance and the right techniques, you can banish the lingering odor and restore your shoes to their former freshness.

1. DIY Cleaning Mixture:

How To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes

No need for complicated chemistry experiments – you can create an effective cleaning mixture using simple household items. Grab some vinegar and water, mixing them in equal parts. Pour this concoction into a spray bottle and evenly distribute it over the affected areas of your shoe, including the interior. With a brush, scrub the mixture thoroughly, allowing it to penetrate deep to eliminate any traces of odor. Let the shoe soak for a few minutes before blotting away excess moisture with a dry paper towel. If it is white shoes use special techniques and methods to maintain pristine condition of your shoes.

2. Pet Odor Remover:

How To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes

For a quick and hassle-free solution, consider investing in a pet stain and odor remover, readily available in most supermarkets. These products are specifically designed to tackle odor-producing bacteria, not just on shoes but also on carpets and other surfaces in your home. Simply spray the remover onto the affected area and let the enzymes work their magic in neutralizing the odor.

3. Baking Soda:

How To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes

Once again, baking soda proves to be a versatile household hero. Known for its odor-absorbing properties, it can effectively eliminate stubborn smells from your shoes, including those unpleasant odors that may arise from how to clean dog poop out of shoes. Place your shoe inside a plastic bag filled with baking soda, ensuring a tight seal. Leave it for a few hours to allow the baking soda to absorb the odor. Afterward, dust away any remaining traces of baking soda, and your shoe will be as good as new.

To wash shoes with baking soda follow methods for proper results.

4. Activated Charcoal:

How To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes

Activated charcoal is renowned for its exceptional odor-absorbing abilities, making it a perfect candidate for eliminating unpleasant smells from shoes. Simply place your shoe next to a bag of activated charcoal, and let it work its magic. The charcoal will effectively neutralize the odor, leaving your shoe smelling fresh and clean.

While you now have a few tricks up your sleeve to tackle the aftermath of a dog poop incident, including how to clean dog poop off shoe, it’s essential to remain vigilant, especially in areas frequented by dogs, such as parks. Besides the sticky stench, dog poop poses significant health risks to humans, particularly children. Being aware of these risks can help you take necessary precautions to keep your family safe and maintain a clean environment.

Even on your daily walking shoes, ensure your comfort and cleanliness with shoes designed to handle anything, including unexpected encounters with dog poopAlways remember to disinfect your hands and skin thoroughly if you accidentally come into contact with it.

Dealing with the lingering odor of dog poop on your shoes can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and a bit of patience, you can effectively eliminate the smell and restore your shoes to their pristine condition. Whether you opt for DIY remedies or invest in specialized products, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is key to ensuring a pleasant and odor-free experience. So next time you encounter this unfortunate mishap, fear not – armed with these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the challenge with ease.


Is it safe to use household cleaning products to clean dog poop off shoes?

Yes, most household cleaning products are safe to use on shoes. However, be cautious when using strong chemicals or abrasive cleaners, especially on delicate materials like leather. 

Can I use bleach to clean dog poop stains from my shoes?

While bleach is effective at removing stains, it can be harsh on certain shoe materials and may cause discoloration or damage. It’s best to avoid using bleach unless the manufacturer specifically recommends it for your shoe type.

Is it necessary to disinfect my shoes after cleaning off dog poop?

Disinfecting your shoes is a good practice, especially if you’ve come into contact with dog poop. Use a disinfectant spray or wipes to sanitize the exterior and interior of your shoes, paying extra attention to seams and crevices where bacteria may hide.

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